
Sunset Park


This is quite a good sized park near my apartment, Sunset Park. I will come to this park everyday and practice the shamisen and sanshin once weather get a bit better.


The Last Day of Virgin Mega Store in Times Square


Virgin Megastore is reducing the business and the one on Times Square, which is the flagship shop in America, is closing down. I went there on the very last day, the last hour. They had so many CDs and DVDs and I loved the nerdy selections which only musicians would know. There was a movie theatre on the bottom floor as well. I enjoyed visiting the store, but, to tell the truth, everything was a bit pricy. I am sure that those prices on the tags were right prices and I think that was why they could not compete with Amazon and those those cheap online retailers. Sighs, even the big company like virgin is closing down nowadays. I feel like I am witnessing the decline of whole entertainment business.


On the second basement, there was the huge section of jazz/Latin/World which I loved, but they are all gone now. I had always stopped by here after I went to music shops. Oh well.


Session @ Enrique's

Joe Kaplowitz (Piano)
Ippei Ichimaru (Bass)
Enrique Haneine (Drums)

I have not played with my buddy Enrique for ages. Enrique's friend, Joe, was visiting New York all the way from Croatia for a recording session, so Enrique invited me for a session. Joe was great and very lyrical player. He himself is actually an American and he moved to Croatia because his wife is from there. I am hoping to move to Europe someday so I envy him a bit.


Cody Geil Quartet @ The Roosevelt Hotel

Cody Geil (Vocal, Violin)
Hara Garacci (Guitar)
Ippei Ichimaru (Bass)
Marko Djordjevic (Drums)

The Bridal showcase gig at the Roosevelt Hotel. The huge hall was packed with people and all kinds of venders. Jeez, there is a vender for the bride's underwear right next to us. Shoot, I have to look at my music but I can not take my eyes off from the girls in underwear doing the pole dancing. I don't know why but every tune we play is getting faster and faster today.

Can you see that the ones on the pics are actually actors playing potted plants. I could not figure out what it was for a while. They were moving slowly like a robot.


After the performance of the quartet, Cody was getting ready for her solo act. Her stage costume was the wedding dress. White is really becoming on you, Cody! She said that that was already the third time to wear wedding dress this year for this kind of gigs. Since Hara and I had never seen her in wedding dress, we took some commemorative photos.



Dear United States Citizenship and Immigration Services,

I, Ippei Ichimaru, just married an American girl. This pic is the iron-clad evidence. Please send me a Green Card.



Hanging with Kenji


Hanging with my buddy and the great tenor saxophonist, Kenji Kikuchi at IHOP in Boston. I love hanging with him because the conversation with him is sophisticated and fun. He said "we have to find a wife soon," and we continued on with this topic. Well, that's my dream. My dream is far from being the greatest world renowned composer or anything, but I want to find a good wife, be a good husband, be a good father and have a home however small it may be. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. Basically I want to have and I want my family to have completely opposite life from the one I had had when I was a kid. There will be neither any kind of violence nor ill treatments to children and wife in my family but love.

This is my dream. Well, I am tripping over before the first step. I will find somebody someday.


BBQ @ Tolstoys


We had a fun night and great salmon steak BBQ at my buddy Slava's. Hey Slava, Anna, thank you very very much for your great hospitality as always!

International String Trio @ Temple Beth Avodah


Came to Boston again. That was a Bar Mitzbar gig with International String Trio in Newton.


Sarina Suno Quartet @ Whistlin' Dixie's Texas Tarvern


Right after the 16-day holidays, I had a gig with Sarina's quartet. It was St. Patric's Day so there was a capacity crowd of drunk people at the pub. Not to mention that was a weekday, Tuesday. Not to mention that was daytime. Only on St. Patrick's Day.


We sprit the show with another rock band and we went on the stage first. It was more than full house of people and they were saying "Louder, louder" so to end up with, the volume became as loud as an atomic bomb exploding. I thought my head was exploding.
Sarina Suno (Violin)
Hara Garacci (Guitar)
Ippei Ichimaru (Bass)
Marko Djordjevic (Drums)




Blog is an open diary after all so I do not have to make up a beautiful story. I just keep jotting down whatever happened in my life on my blog. Now I confess my own disgrace and this entry will be something I will never forget.
I had 16-day holidays!
 ああ、ごめんなさい!世間の真面目に働いている人たち、ごめんなさい!生きててごめんなさいいいいぃぃぃ!いや、私もね、頑張りたいんでっせ。働きたいんでっせ。私とて痩せても枯れても働き者の国、日本国の国民でございます。三大義務の勤労の義務は果たしたいと思ってはおるのでございますよ。 しかし、世の不景気がそれを許さない状況なのでございます。 しかも、この音楽業界で今一番ヤバいのは私のような中途半端な位置にいる技術屋タイプのミュージシャンなのですよ。譜面を読んで、その求められる音楽スタイルに合わせて正確に弾いて日銭を稼いでる我らの仕事がどんどん減っているのでございます。そりゃ、そこそこの技術が要求される仕事ですので、ギャラもそこそこ頂いて、そこそこの生活はできてました。それが昨今の不況のあおりでギグは減りに減り、二束三文で働く学生たちに仕事を奪われ、こんな赤っ恥の16連休という憂き目にあってしまったわけなのですよ。なんかリストラって中間管理職とか幹部とかの、ある程度給料をもらってる方々から切られていくというのを聞いたことがありますが、なんとなく私にも分かるような気がします。



Oh, I say sorry to the world! Sorry to all the people working earnestly. Well, please do not misunderstand me. I really do want to work. Who am I kidding. I am from Japan which workaholics are originated, but the world wide recession is hitting the good citizens in New York City including this little Japanese musician in the lower level of the society. I am (or was) making living by reading the charts, play the music in the right genre, smile, and get paid. This system is changing rather quickly though. Nowadays the music students are doing the same kind of job with lower quality with lower pay and I got 16-day holidays.

I am so ashamed of myself and I do realize that the 90% of the reason why I am where I am is caused by myself. As I wrote on the top of this entry, I am writing my own disgrace to make it a lesson to myself and never to forget. I must practice more, meet more musicians and get the gigs which are not replacable by students.

Illustration: イラそよ


Black Saturday Bushfire


This is the day Black Saturday Bushfire in Victoria, Australia was finally died down. This bushfire unfortunately became the worst bushfire which declined the highest number of life in the history of Australia.


The most unbelievable thing for me is that the bushfire in some areas were ignited by some brainless hedge burners. Australia, especially the South-east part of the continent, catches more bushfires than anywhere else on the planet. In Summer, the rain does not fall for weeks, the temperature goes up to 45C (110F) and the humidity is down to ZERO percent. The people who dwell in such a perfectly bushfire-conditioned area, everyone is super cautious in handling fire and the kids in there are throughly told the dreadfulness of bushfires.


I tell you an old story which goes back about 20 years. When I was a high school student in a rural town called Frankston in Victoria, I was hanging out with delinquent cobbers and smoking cigarettes. Then one of them accidentally dropped a lit cigarette and it was blown into the thick grass. Immediately, all of the delinquents gathered and desperately looked for the cigarette butt. Even the delinquents in a small town know what kind of bloody deadly disaster would occur if you leave one lit cigarette butt in the grass. In Victoria, pyromania is just unforgiven.


The Black Saturday Bushfire resulted the loss of 173 lives. 500 people got injured and 7500 people lost their homes. I pray all of their souls may rest in peace, the quick recovery of those 500 people who got injured and the prompt restore of the stricken area.

Illustration: Southern Cross Cafe


Kazuo's Birthday!


It is (the day before) our fearless leader Kazuo's birthday. We celebrated with pizza.



 最近ニューヨークでよく見るスニッカーズの広告。このロゴの形は誰でも知っているので、ここに『スニッカーズ』と書いてなくともスニッカーズの宣伝になってしまうという寸法です。書いてある言葉は親父ギャグというか、ベタなダジャレになってます。これは『Jiu-jitsu (柔術)』ならぬ『Chew-jitsu (チュー術。"チュー"は"物を噛む"の意)』になってます。ベッタベタなのですが、ちょっとオモロかったです。

I think almost all New Yorkers have seen the Snickers' ad campaign. To my friends in Australia, Snickers are putting whatever the pun connects to Snickers on their logo on the ads and we see them everywhere in the city area. This is my winner. Not "Jiu-jitsu" but "Chew-jitsu." This is so dull but funny a bit.

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