I took a lot of good photos so I changed the style of my blog a bit just for this entry and it is going to be like a picture diary.
今日の仕事はチャールズ・リバーに浮かぶ客船で花火を見ながらの船上パーティーです。小さなボートで客船まで移動します。途中、ロングフェロー・ブリッジの向こうにボストンの町並みが見えました。一つ抜きん出て高いビルは、ボストンで二番目に高いプラデンシャル・タワーです。 Today's gig was the 4th of July party on a passenger boat on the Charles River. We all had to take a small boat to embark on the big boat. I saw the buildings of Boston behind the Longfellow Bridge on the way. The skyscraper you see is the Prudential Tower which is the second tallest building in Boston. |
ロングフェロー・ブリッジの橋げたにこんな彫刻が施してあるなんて知りませんでした。バイキングの船を表しているそうです。 I have never known nor never seen there were sculptures on the piers of the Longfellow Bridge. It is representing Viking ships, so I've read on the web. |
ロングフェロー・ブリッジを抜けると、小型のボートやヨットが密集して、どこもかしこもパーティーをやっていました。川岸もすでに黒山の人だかりです。 Beyond the Longfellow Bridge, small boats and yachts were in everywhere and people were partying on every boat. There was a large crowd of people on the river bank as well, partying also. |
今日の仕事場のレキシントンです。2階建てで小型の150人乗りの遊覧船でした。 This is the Lexington, the small double-deck passenger boat which takes 150 passengers. |
船上のミュージシャン。これはお客さんが乗船する前のリハーサル風景です。ボストンには大型の(とは言えタイタニックのようなサイズではありませんが)『スピリット・オブ・ボストン』と『オデッセイ』(共に600人乗り)というクルーズシップがあるのですが、私たち3人とも別の期間にその船で働いていた事が判明しました。 Musicians on board. We were rehearsing before the party guests arrive. There are two other bigger cruise ships in Boston called "Spirit of Boston" and "Odyssey," which take about 600 passengers, and we found out each of us was working on those ships in different times. |
せっかくだから記念撮影。タイマーで撮ったら、こんなんなってしまいました。 Trying to shoot a commemorative pic. Having a trouble with the delay timer. |
タイマーで悪戦苦闘していると、船長が撮ってくれました。 When we were struggling with the timer, the captain of the ship came along and took the picture for us. |
町と川面が落陽に赤く染まっています。花火までもうすぐです。 The buildings in Boston and the face of the Charles River were dyed in red by the setting sun. The fireworks were about to start. |
The magnificent fireworks. Not only that I have not watched fireworks in Boston for a long time, but also I could watch everything on a spacious luxury boat on the Charles River. The only thing was that it looked like there was no wind in the sky so all the smoke coming out of the fireworks stays there, became like a smoke screen and I could not watch all of the beautiful fireworks. Nonetheless, I usually go to the river bank or the bridges for the fireworks and a small guy like me has to watch between the heads of the people standing in front of me, so being able to watch it on a boat is priceless and I enjoyed today's fireworks the most in my life. The variations of colors and their complicated shapes of fireworks were amazing and the last sequence of shooting off was just superb. |
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