
The 300th Entry!!


This is my 300th entry on my blog. It took me ten months to break this mark. I did not even think this blog would continue such a long time. I am the worst quitter and the only things I could continue for certain period of time in my life were music and jiu-jitsu. I will add blog on the list and will brag about it to my friends and my family.




Well, I read this blog again which I have jotted down for ten months, and I recall lots of things happened in that short period of time. I started the blog to keep the fond memory of the countless beautiful views which I see on gigs from time to time, and the blog serves the purpose very well. All the memories of the views and the memories of wonderful people were there. I am so glad that I kept this blog.

I would like to thank all who kindly read my blog. I know my English is far from perfect but I will keep writing anyway.

Well, I wonder what I will be writing on this blog.....

Illustration: かわいいもん好きほーむぺーじ

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