
APAP Conference with Valerie Sneade


The storm was getting worse and worse. I was on the highway bus and, when I was going across the Verrazano Bridge, I could not see a thing outside of the edge of the bridge. It was so scary.


The bus was running late because the traffic was moving so slowly due to the storm, I reached Manhattan safely. Thank God. I headed to the rehearsal studio called Michiko Studio for the last-minute rehearsal before the show tonight. Valerie Sneade and the cats were already in the middle of the rehearsal.

Valerie is not only the great singer but just the very best entertainer, period. Some great gigs will come to her sooner or later. We played together a lot when both of us were still in Boston, then she moved to Florida and I moved to New York. After that, I have not been able to work with her often and today's show is the first gig to play together in one whole year.

 今日はAPAP Conferenceというミュージシャンやダンサー、マジシャンなどの様々な芸人たちの業界への見本市のようなイベントで、それぞれが20分ほどパフォーマンスをして、イベント・プラナー、エージェント、海外の呼び屋さんなどに雇ってもらうんです。たったの20分ですが、この善し悪しで大きいツアーや、長期の仕事が決まるので、全員、この20分に持っている力の全てを注ぎ込みます。全米でも最大級のイベントで、有名なジャズ・ミュージシャンなどもギグを求めて出演しています。我々のブースの隣ではマンハッタン・ジャズ・クインテット(MJQ)のベーシスト、チャーネット・モフェットが演奏していました。

Today's gig was at APAP (Association of Performing Arts Presenters) conference. It is the showcase of musicians, dancers, magicians etc. to the industry. There are lots of booths at the conference and each performer performs about 20 minutes of showcase. This is one of the biggest conference in the US and this 20 minutes of quite big deal for us. Depends on how well we do on the showcase, we will get some big tours and long-term gigs so every performer put the 100% of his/her ability on this 20 minutes. Lots of known jazz musicians come to score some gigs as well. The bassist of Manhattan Jazz Quintet, Charnett Moffett, was playing right next booth from ours.

I played with two of my old friend today after a long long time; Valerie and my old buddy from the music college who is one of the most creative drummers I know, Mathias Kunzli. Hey Mathias, I was so glad to see your face again and felt honoured to play with you again, brother!!

The showcases were success. I really hope she will get a great deal from somewhere because she deserves it and unambiguously she is just a phenomenal entertainer.
Valerie Sneade (Vocal)
Ed Loder (Vocal, Guitar)
Michelle Kasanofsky (Piano)
Tom Dempsey (Guitar)
Ippei Ichimaru (Bass)

....and Mathias Kunzli (Drums). He had to run to the next showcase.

Here is the link to the home page of Valerie Sneade. Everyone, check out her talent.

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