
Making promotion materials at the Musicians Union in Hollywood! (Day 2)

I come to the musicians union in Hollywood every Wednesday. Yesterday was the second day that we recorded a promo. Well, I was handed the charts that I have almost never seen or never seen, then the bandleader said "let's do a take" without rehearsing. Wow 😳 I think this is the real Hollywood style. I've heard that, especially in the old days, musicians had to do overwhelming amount of recordings, so composers, arrangers, orchestrators and copyists were writing furiously round the clock till half an hour before the recording, toss the music to the players, then the players just did the takes one after another because they didn’t have a time to rehearse. Well, the one we did last night was just for promo and wasn’t so dramatic or full-on but I certainly had a taste of it, the taste of the real world, the taste of the real La La Land which is not so happy dreamy place as everyone thinks.

I feel like I got a lot of homework. This place is kicking my butt which is a good thing! 😆👍

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