
Some thoughts

 あれから12年、私は身に余るぐらいの多くの仕事と多くの良い友人に恵まれました。大学では良い師と先輩に出会い、ボストンで教えていた頃には良い生徒と良い同僚の先生がたにも会えました。それに数多くのミュージシャンの友人たちは私の宝です。この仕事は好きですし、音楽を生涯の仕事と選べた事は本当に幸運だったと思います。ただ最近は、私も34ですし、今までのように突っ走るだけでなく、自分の進むべき進路についていろいろと考えるようになりました。 いつまで仕事があるか分からないというのも、この商売です。ニューヨークでまた教え始めようか、ブッキング・エージェントのようなことをしようか、自分のバンドにもっと力を入れるか、ソロで活動しようか………と、例を挙げればキリがありません。日本に帰ることも視野に入れています。日本の伝統音楽をちゃんと学びたいからです。オーストラリアに帰って落ち着いて暮らそうか、人生であともうひと冒険するためにヨーロッパに渡ろうか、などとも考えています。どの選択肢を取るにしても甘いものではありませんが、ぐずぐずしないように今年の末までにと期限を決めて、決断したいと思います。

After the second gig, we stayed a little longer at the park and had some rest. I had a bit of quarrel with my good friend Slava for the first time in long time. We apologized to each other but that was the quarrel I stupidly initiated. I am so sorry Slava. I have been in attacking mode with no reason like when I was a college student.

I was under a lot of stress when I was in the college. I do not feel the same way now but I feel a little feverish haste lately. In those days, I was just another hick from Australia. I decided to make living in music business and was practicing and studying as hard as I could. I felt nervous every day about my own future. After I graduated from the college I could not make living by just doing music so I worked as a mover, a construction worker, a wall painter etc.. I was struggling in this world.

Now twelve years had past since I immigrated to this country, I was blessed with a lot of gigs and a lot of great friends. I met good professors and good fellow students at the college, and met good students and good co-workers at the music school I was teaching at. I met so many good musician friends and they all are my asset. I love this job and feel lucky that I could choose to be a musician by profession. Recently I feel urged to take some kind of action on my life. In this business, you don’t know how long you’ll have gigs. I’m 34 now and just need some kind of change like teaching again in New York, setting up a booking agency, making an album, putting together a solo act, going back to Japan and learn the traditional Japanese music, moving to Europe for one more adventure, or screw everything and go back to Australia and build a happy family which is my long-cherished dream.

I set the end of this year to be the absolute deadline to make the final decision. Haste makes waste, but I don't want to feel like I'm dallying away my time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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