
Happy birthday, Yuuichi!


It's Yuuichi's 1st birthday. He had so many guests at our place to celebrate his very first birthday.

Father's homemade cake. It is the face of the famous Japanese cartoon character, Anpanman.

This is an old custom of Okayama, where Tomoko is from. On the 1st birthday, if the baby can walk with issho (1.8 litres) of rice, the baby would be all set for the food for the entire of his issho (life). It's a homophone. So, what he has on his back is about four pounds of rice. He was crying so hard but actually could walk a bit.


It was a fun party! Thank you Nori & Tomoko. Now you can have a rest because they were working for this party all day yesterday and all day today. Well, when will Yuuichi realize his parents' troubles which they go through for the love of their son?

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